About this site

DISCLAIMER: This site is in no way owned or operated by Verizon Communications Inc. All content on this site is made by community members, and no content has been verified by Verizon.

This site was created to allow various Fios community forum members to share instructional videos with fellow forum posters.


Q: Who can post on this site?

A: If you are a community leader or moderator in the Verizon Fios Forums, you can ask to have an account created. Please contact JustinG on the Verizon forums to have an account created. If you are still interested in posting a video for the Fios community, but you are not a community leader, please use the "Contact Us" portion of this website to let us know, and we'll manually review your video and post it.

Q: Can I call Verizon tech support and reference these videos?

A: While the content on this site is accurate to the best of our abilities, please do not use the videos on this site as a reference for Verizon tech support. Most of the videos on this site feature advanced, unsupported configurations that tech support will not be able to assist you with. Should you have issues after following an instructional video, please bring your questions to the Verizon forums.